Edelweiss ELSS Tax Saver Fund - Regular Plan - Growth Option

Category: Equity: ELSS
Launch Date: 30-12-2008
Asset Class: Equity
Benchmark: NIFTY 500 TRI
Expense Ratio: 2.35% As on (30-12-2024)
Status: Open Ended Schemes
Minimum Investment: 500.0
Minimum Topup: 500.0
Total Assets: 398.26 Cr As on (31-12-2024)
Turn over: 26%
NAV as on 14-01-2025


1.09 (1.0524%)

CAGR Since Inception


NIFTY 500 TRI 12.44%

PERFORMANCE of Edelweiss ELSS Tax Saver Fund - Regular Plan - Growth Option

Scheme Performance (%)

Data as on - 14-01-2025

Yearly Performance (%)

Fund Managers

Ashwani Kumar Agarwalla, Trideep Bhattacharya

Investment Objective

The scheme will, on the basis of overall industry and economic scenario, invest in a diversified portfolio of stocks of growth oriented companies with good track record. The scheme may endeavor to take advantage of special situations such as mergers and demerger.

NAV & Lumpsum details( Invested amount 1,00,000)

Show All Monthly Lumpsum Returns
NAV Date NAV Units Market
30-12-2008 10.0 10000.0 100000 0.0 %
30-01-2009 10.02 - 100200 0.2 %
02-03-2009 9.74 - 97400 -2.6 %
30-03-2009 10.51 - 105100 5.1 %
28-04-2009 11.66 - 116600 16.6 %
28-05-2009 14.59 - 145900 45.9 %
29-06-2009 14.85 - 148500 48.5 %
28-07-2009 15.54 - 155400 55.4 %
28-08-2009 16.06 - 160600 60.6 %
29-09-2009 16.93 - 169300 69.3 %
28-10-2009 16.32 - 163200 63.2 %
30-11-2009 16.94 - 169400 69.4 %
29-12-2009 17.42 - 174200 74.2 %
28-01-2010 16.37 - 163700 63.7 %
02-03-2010 16.9 - 169000 69.0 %
29-03-2010 17.65 - 176500 76.5 %
28-04-2010 17.78 - 177800 77.8 %
28-05-2010 17.26 - 172600 72.6 %
28-06-2010 18.5 - 185000 85.0 %
28-07-2010 19.08 - 190800 90.8 %
30-08-2010 19.69 - 196900 96.9 %
28-09-2010 20.99 - 209900 109.9 %
28-10-2010 21.22 - 212200 112.2 %
29-11-2010 20.07 - 200700 100.7 %
28-12-2010 20.14 - 201400 101.4 %
28-01-2011 18.63 - 186300 86.3 %
28-02-2011 17.81 - 178100 78.1 %
28-03-2011 18.81 - 188100 88.1 %
28-04-2011 19.43 - 194300 94.3 %
30-05-2011 19.07 - 190700 90.7 %
28-06-2011 19.28 - 192800 92.8 %
28-07-2011 19.37 - 193700 93.7 %
29-08-2011 18.15 - 181500 81.5 %
28-09-2011 17.96 - 179600 79.6 %
28-10-2011 18.43 - 184300 84.3 %
28-11-2011 17.32 - 173200 73.2 %
28-12-2011 16.61 - 166100 66.1 %
30-01-2012 17.85 - 178500 78.5 %
28-02-2012 18.83 - 188300 88.3 %
28-03-2012 18.67 - 186700 86.7 %
30-04-2012 19.08 - 190800 90.8 %
28-05-2012 18.36 - 183600 83.6 %
28-06-2012 18.37 - 183700 83.7 %
30-07-2012 18.45 - 184500 84.5 %
28-08-2012 19.03 - 190300 90.3 %
28-09-2012 20.27 - 202700 102.7 %
29-10-2012 20.26 - 202600 102.6 %
29-11-2012 21.09 - 210900 110.9 %
28-12-2012 21.38 - 213800 113.8 %
28-01-2013 21.62 - 216200 116.2 %
28-02-2013 20.42 - 204200 104.2 %
28-03-2013 20.42 - 204200 104.2 %
29-04-2013 20.92 - 209200 109.2 %
28-05-2013 22.31 - 223100 123.1 %
28-06-2013 21.31 - 213100 113.1 %
29-07-2013 21.33 - 213300 113.3 %
28-08-2013 19.55 - 195500 95.5 %
30-09-2013 21.06 - 210600 110.6 %
28-10-2013 22.34 - 223400 123.4 %
28-11-2013 22.47 - 224700 124.7 %
30-12-2013 23.73 - 237300 137.3 %
28-01-2014 22.73 - 227300 127.3 %
28-02-2014 23.73 - 237300 137.3 %
28-03-2014 24.43 - 244300 144.3 %
28-04-2014 25.32 - 253200 153.2 %
28-05-2014 27.2 - 272000 172.0 %
30-06-2014 28.82 - 288200 188.2 %
28-07-2014 29.02 - 290200 190.2 %
28-08-2014 29.83 - 298300 198.3 %
29-09-2014 30.83 - 308300 208.3 %
28-10-2014 30.86 - 308600 208.6 %
28-11-2014 33.59 - 335900 235.9 %
29-12-2014 33.06 - 330600 230.6 %
28-01-2015 36.02 - 360200 260.2 %
02-03-2015 36.74 - 367400 267.4 %
30-03-2015 36.0 - 360000 260.0 %
28-04-2015 34.85 - 348500 248.5 %
28-05-2015 36.36 - 363600 263.6 %
29-06-2015 35.73 - 357300 257.3 %
28-07-2015 36.63 - 366300 266.3 %
28-08-2015 35.52 - 355200 255.2 %
28-09-2015 35.28 - 352800 252.8 %
28-10-2015 36.4 - 364000 264.0 %
30-11-2015 35.69 - 356900 256.9 %
28-12-2015 35.71 - 357100 257.1 %
28-01-2016 33.23 - 332300 232.3 %
29-02-2016 30.85 - 308500 208.5 %
28-03-2016 33.04 - 330400 230.4 %
28-04-2016 34.42 - 344200 244.2 %
30-05-2016 34.81 - 348100 248.1 %
28-06-2016 34.7 - 347000 247.0 %
28-07-2016 37.44 - 374400 274.4 %
29-08-2016 37.68 - 376800 276.8 %
28-09-2016 38.7 - 387000 287.0 %
28-10-2016 38.89 - 388900 288.9 %
28-11-2016 35.85 - 358500 258.5 %
28-12-2016 34.63 - 346300 246.3 %
30-01-2017 37.72 - 377200 277.2 %
28-02-2017 39.34 - 393400 293.4 %
28-03-2017 40.11 - 401100 301.1 %
28-04-2017 42.82 - 428200 328.2 %
29-05-2017 42.52 - 425200 325.2 %
28-06-2017 42.07 - 420700 320.7 %
28-07-2017 44.18 - 441800 341.8 %
28-08-2017 43.47 - 434700 334.7 %
28-09-2017 43.26 - 432600 332.6 %
30-10-2017 46.03 - 460300 360.3 %
28-11-2017 47.46 - 474600 374.6 %
28-12-2017 48.34 - 483400 383.4 %
29-01-2018 50.0 - 500000 400.0 %
28-02-2018 47.41 - 474100 374.1 %
28-03-2018 45.94 - 459400 359.4 %
30-04-2018 47.96 - 479600 379.6 %
28-05-2018 46.71 - 467100 367.1 %
28-06-2018 44.98 - 449800 349.8 %
30-07-2018 47.22 - 472200 372.2 %
28-08-2018 48.41 - 484100 384.1 %
28-09-2018 43.91 - 439100 339.1 %
29-10-2018 41.59 - 415900 315.9 %
28-11-2018 43.72 - 437200 337.2 %
28-12-2018 44.07 - 440700 340.7 %
28-01-2019 43.14 - 431400 331.4 %
28-02-2019 43.32 - 433200 333.2 %
28-03-2019 46.45 - 464500 364.5 %
30-04-2019 46.4 - 464000 364.0 %
28-05-2019 47.87 - 478700 378.7 %
28-06-2019 47.27 - 472700 372.7 %
29-07-2019 44.35 - 443500 343.5 %
28-08-2019 44.45 - 444500 344.5 %
30-09-2019 46.45 - 464500 364.5 %
29-10-2019 47.72 - 477200 377.2 %
28-11-2019 48.15 - 481500 381.5 %
30-12-2019 48.55 - 485500 385.5 %
28-01-2020 49.19 - 491900 391.9 %
28-02-2020 47.02 - 470200 370.2 %
30-03-2020 34.21 - 342100 242.1 %
28-04-2020 38.71 - 387100 287.1 %
28-05-2020 38.21 - 382100 282.1 %
29-06-2020 41.01 - 410100 310.1 %
28-07-2020 44.04 - 440400 340.4 %
28-08-2020 46.85 - 468500 368.5 %
28-09-2020 45.12 - 451200 351.2 %
28-10-2020 46.7 - 467000 367.0 %
01-12-2020 51.7 - 517000 417.0 %
28-12-2020 54.47 - 544700 444.7 %
28-01-2021 54.69 - 546900 446.9 %
01-03-2021 59.48 - 594800 494.8 %
30-03-2021 59.27 - 592700 492.7 %
28-04-2021 59.22 - 592200 492.2 %
28-05-2021 61.66 - 616600 516.6 %
28-06-2021 63.6 - 636000 536.0 %
28-07-2021 65.43 - 654300 554.3 %
30-08-2021 68.43 - 684300 584.3 %
28-09-2021 70.45 - 704500 604.5 %
28-10-2021 71.33 - 713300 613.3 %
29-11-2021 68.49 - 684900 584.9 %
28-12-2021 71.08 - 710800 610.8 %
28-01-2022 70.39 - 703900 603.9 %
28-02-2022 67.97 - 679700 579.7 %
28-03-2022 69.13 - 691300 591.3 %
28-04-2022 69.11 - 691100 591.1 %
30-05-2022 66.18 - 661800 561.8 %
28-06-2022 63.23 - 632300 532.3 %
28-07-2022 67.87 - 678700 578.7 %
29-08-2022 69.8 - 698000 598.0 %
28-09-2022 68.42 - 684200 584.2 %
28-10-2022 71.72 - 717200 617.2 %
28-11-2022 73.68 - 736800 636.8 %
28-12-2022 71.45 - 714500 614.5 %
30-01-2023 69.45 - 694500 594.5 %
28-02-2023 69.51 - 695100 595.1 %
28-03-2023 68.03 - 680300 580.3 %
28-04-2023 71.84 - 718400 618.4 %
29-05-2023 74.85 - 748500 648.5 %
28-06-2023 77.42 - 774200 674.2 %
28-07-2023 80.48 - 804800 704.8 %
28-08-2023 80.11 - 801100 701.1 %
29-09-2023 81.11 - 811100 711.1 %
30-10-2023 78.99 - 789900 689.9 %
28-11-2023 82.66 - 826600 726.6 %
28-12-2023 90.47 - 904700 804.7 %
29-01-2024 91.74 - 917400 817.4 %
28-02-2024 93.46 - 934600 834.6 %
28-03-2024 94.72 - 947200 847.2 %
29-04-2024 97.54 - 975400 875.4 %
28-05-2024 100.11 - 1001100 901.1 %
28-06-2024 107.63 - 1076300 976.3 %
29-07-2024 110.27 - 1102700 1002.7 %
28-08-2024 112.49 - 1124900 1024.9 %
30-09-2024 115.24 - 1152400 1052.4 %
28-10-2024 108.69 - 1086900 986.9 %
28-11-2024 108.91 - 1089100 989.1 %
30-12-2024 108.59 - 1085900 985.9 %
14-01-2025 103.57 - 1035700 935.7 %

RETURNS CALCULATOR for Edelweiss ELSS Tax Saver Fund - Regular Plan - Growth Option

Growth of 10000 In SIP (Fund vs Benchmark)

Amount :
Period :
Start :
End :

Growth of 10000 In LUMPSUM (Fund vs Benchmark)

Amount :
Start :

Rolling Returns

Rolling returns are the annualized returns of the scheme taken for a specified period (rolling returns period) on every day/week/month and taken till the last day of the duration. In this chart we are showing the annualized returns over the rolling returns period on every day from the start date and comparing it with the benchmark. Rolling returns is the best measure of a fund's performance. Trailing returns have a recency bias and point to point returns are specific to the period in consideration. Rolling returns, on the other hand, measures the fund's absolute and relative performance across all timescales, without bias.



Key Performance and Risk Statistics of Edelweiss ELSS Tax Saver Fund - Regular Plan - Growth Option

Key Statistics Volatility Sharpe Ratio Alpha Beta Yield to Maturity Average Maturity
Edelweiss ELSS Tax Saver Fund - Regular Plan - Growth Option 12.15 0.62 0.36 0.92 - -
Equity: ELSS - - - - - -

PEER COMPARISION of Edelweiss ELSS Tax Saver Fund - Regular Plan - Growth Option

Amount :
Start :
End :
Data as on - 14-01-2025
Scheme Name Launch
Ret (%)
Ret (%)
Ret (%)
Ret (%)
Ret (%)
Edelweiss ELSS Tax Saver Fund - Regular Plan - Growth Option 30-12-2008 12.74 20.63 11.54 16.08 11.67
Motilal Oswal ELSS Tax Saver Fund - Regular Plan - Growth Option 05-01-2015 28.48 36.03 21.29 21.41 0.0
HSBC Tax Saver Equity Fund - Growth 05-01-2007 22.3 25.9 14.13 18.13 12.89
HSBC ELSS Tax saver Fund - Regular Growth 01-01-2013 21.61 26.72 14.16 17.41 13.21
WhiteOak Capital ELSS Tax Saver Fund Regular Plan Growth 14-10-2022 20.44 27.46 0.0 0.0 0.0
SBI Long Term Equity Fund - Regular Plan- Growth 31-03-1993 20.18 31.13 20.85 22.83 14.33
JM ELSS Tax Saver Fund (Regular) - Growth option 31-03-2008 19.12 27.09 15.26 19.78 15.18
LIC MF ELSS Tax Saver-Regular Plan-Growth 31-03-1997 18.71 22.74 12.55 15.14 11.25
Invesco India ELSS Tax Saver Fund - Growth 29-12-2006 17.51 25.82 11.49 17.56 13.81
DSP ELSS Tax Saver Fund - Regular Plan - Growth 05-01-2007 17.46 24.08 15.26 19.77 15.3

PORTFOLIO ANALYSIS of Edelweiss ELSS Tax Saver Fund - Regular Plan - Growth Option

Asset Allocation (%)

Allocation Percentage (%)

Market Cap Distribution

Small Cap




Large Cap


Mid Cap


